
The second joint module will be devoted to the communication of the project to specific local communities and regions in each partner country. The professional theatre and dance institutions will be encouraged to use project’s audience development strategy, and will have the option to enhance their regular audience development programmes and events with the young, with Young theatre on the move methods. The event will help with enhanced community integration and cohesion, will help to widen and deepen the relationship with the young audience and will help with the communication of the project.

​Joint Module II: Going local

From 26th to 28th of August the international contemporary dance festival Front@ has been executed despite the current health situation, which felt almost unbelievable and like a miracle. The programme was focused mostly on the presentation on Slovene contemporary dance production with addition of combined performance of more artists »Dance during pandemics« and a guest performance from UK and Spanish dance crews. One part of Front@ festival are always miniature performances of young dancers in the »Opus« performance, where they present their work in different dance and movement companies/associations. 
Young theatre on the move was invited to participate as artist-trainers leaders of warm-up workshop for young dancers. The purpuse of workshop was to prepare dancers' bodies and minds for performance and add some impro games and tools to support them with their confidence and opened and relaxed bodies. It has been a wonderful experience and working with dancers definitely opens a new insight into working with bodies - the movements they make are more exact, bigger and imaginative, but they need more encouragement with the use of voice and words. The purpuse of the event was to spread information about the project and Creative Europe scheme in different regions of partner countries. The participants were very satisfied, connected and warmed-up after the workshop, the information was spread successfully, so we believe these kinds of events are great, but unfortunately less and less possible. Fingers crossed for our future events!

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