
In Module 1 every partner country will organise capacity building training for artist - trainers of the project. Each of the trainers will pass on the knowledge and know-how of their art form and receive training in other art form (dancers will get skills and techniques of impro and improvisers skills and techniques of contemporary dance).

Module 1

The Module 1 Train-the-Trainer workshop took place in theatre room in Pionirski dom - Centre for youth culture on 26th of October 2019. The main idea was that team of impro artist trainers share the impro exercises, games and techniques that were developed in the pilot project Young theatre with the newly joined dancers (artists of contemporary dance) and already start to think how we could combine the practice of contemporary dance with improvisational theatre. Some of the main findings of the module were, that there are some big similarities between the artforms regarding philosophical background, pedagogical aspects of the content and general idea of creative and free movement. There were also other similarities and overlapping ideas, but there were also some notions that were quite different from each other. But already after spending one day together, the ideas, vibrations and knowledge were exchanged, felt and shared, the Slovene artist trainer team connected with each other and more and more seemed possible as the workshop was developing. The workshop already included experiments with combining impro games with dance and has tested some of the materials for the Kick-off weekend.


8.30 - 9.00Arrival (coffee, tea, snacks)
9.00 – 9.30Introduction: Presentation of Young Theatre project
(project description, for whom, what, how, Impro day
+ how previous project connects to the YTOM)
9.30 – 12.30Workshop part I.: Impro basic and body movement
12.30 – 13.30Lunch
13.30 – 17.00Workshop part II.: Storytelling, emotions and character
17.00 – 18.00Conclusion (topics, ideas, issues,  activities of the project, reporting…)
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