
The second joint module will be devoted to the communication of the project to specific local communities and regions in each partner country. The professional theatre and dance institutions will be encouraged to use project’s audience development strategy, and will have the option to enhance their regular audience development programmes and events with the young, with Young theatre on the move methods. The event will help with enhanced community integration and cohesion, will help to widen and deepen the relationship with the young audience and will help with the communication of the project.

Joint Module II: Going local

Joint Module II: Going local

On 6th of March the execution of the workshop took place in  Cluj Napoca with the aim of meeting the other partner of this project objective and to get them familiarised with the content and objectives of Young Theatre on the Move project. In the first meeting, on 6th of March, we presented our institution and the project goals and aims. After that, we spoke about the importance of movement and how contemporary dance practice will bring a new energy and knowledge in this project – Young Theatre on the Move. The same day,some practical activities were made.
In the second day we presented the Visual Identity of this new project and visibility. Then we continued the work from the previous day - sharing the information/exercises/games and then creating and developing everything with the participants.

In the last day, 8th of march, we continued the work from the previous day - sharing the information/exercises/games and then creating and developing everything with the participants. The activities ended with a session of conclusions and way of developing the programme further.


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