Module 1
On Friday Novevember 15th Children's Cultural Center Belgrade exetuted the workshop of Module 1 of the YOUNG THEATRE ON THE MOVE project. YOUNG THEATRE ON THE MOVE project is a project of international cultural cooperation on the topic of improvisation in the field of artistic-stage movement and dance as an instrument for the development of the theatre audience among young people. The workshop was attended by drama and dance pedagogues of the Children's Cultural Center Belgrade, together with the project management and the official CCCB photographer. During the workshop, the methodology was defined, which will be used in further work on the project. The drama pedagogues gave a short introduction in the exercises from the past Young Theatre project methodology to the new colleagues – dance instructors. Serbian team discussed the posible project timeline concidering the dates for the Serbian M2 & M3 events, as well as Interim Meeting planned for 2020 in Belgrade. Other topics were preperations of the tasks for the Kick-off Meeting in Ljubljana: presentations about the CCCB and contemporary Serbian dance scene, as well as the Impro games needed to be prepared by the instructors as the basis for the joint work in Ljubljana workshops. The team took a basic look on the general documents about the participation in the project, the budget guidelines and the contracts for the team members. The atmosphere of the Serbian Module 1 was quite positive, new trainers embrassed the ideas and methodology of the previous projects and have already discussed the possible candidates for the future Serbian M2 and M3 trainings. It has been decided that Young Theatre on the Move activities will be included in variuos events and festivals organized by CCCB, but the emphasis will be on the CCCB's Review of the Dance and Ballet coreographies PLESNI SUSRETI, organized twice a year (in the spring and in the autumn), as well as Festival of the Children Drama Play GLUMIJADA. The general conclusion is that Serbian team is entering the execution of the project in full capacity, positive attitude and great expectations.
9.00 – 9.30 | Introduction: Presentation of Young Theatre project (project description, for whom, what, how, Impro day + how previous project connects to the YTOM) Venue: Hall 302 |
9.30 – 12.30 | Workshop part 1: Impro basic and body movement Venue: Ballet Hall 306 |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch break Venue: CCCB Buffet |
13.30 – 17.00 | Workshop part 2: Storytelling, emotions and character Venue: Ballet Hall 306 |
17.00 – 18.00 | Conclusion * (Topics, ideas, issues, activities of the project, reporting …) Venue: Hall 302 |